When in to uni to day for the working bee today. i arrived at 10:30 half expecting to walk into a corridor filled with activity. I really should have know better. Half an hour later another student arrive (Nasa i think his name was), and then a further half hour later liam turned up and we were able to start. I was a little dissapointed to find that we were just going to be painting the wall white, but i must admit it does look alot better. Its abit sad to be loosing the freedom we had to just do whatever we wanted with the walls, not that we ever really used it. It was just nice having that freedom there. Oh well. Raph and Liam turned up later on and we ended up getting quite a lot of work down. Oh and John an Paul from the workshop too.
I found a nice piece of laminated partical board in a pile of stuff to be thrown out in building 87, with i plan on using to extend my desk so that i can actually fit my computer in it properly. This setup is doing horrible things for my spine. It was a lot of fun getting that home on the train...
I had quite a character to keep me company on the ride home. A complete nutjob arguing with a whole host of invisible beings. The one he seemed to have the most to say to was named "Older sister". Every 10-15 minutes he'd hobble over to me and very earnistly tell me that 'Older sister has an older brother' several times untill he was satisfied that i'd understood then hobble back to his side of the train. Only to come back and tell me the same thing a few stops later. God bless public transport crazies.