Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Curse you flu germs!

I woke up this morning with a bit of a scratchy throat and it seems to be quickly escilating into full fledged flu. Anyone know any miracle cures? anti-flu spells? appropiate deities to sacrifice some cattle to? I'll take anything. Earthcore is in 3 days and i need to be in peek condition.
On an unrelated topic, i'll try and post a pic of that harvey birdman mask tonight when i get home from work.

7 Biting Commentaries:

Blogger Braden Exclaims...

Note to self: Fix this friggin template!

11/22/2005 11:09 AM  
Blogger endsig Exclaims...

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11/22/2005 3:54 PM  
Blogger endsig Exclaims...

Ah it must be ye demons within! an old fashioned exorcism is the answer! or maybe this thing that one of my friends sent me in one of those FWD emails

fold these in a velvet cloth...
leaves of tea
flowers of lavender
clove and camphor

tie it up with a scarlet thread. keep it beside your bed at night. Breathe it when you wake up every day. Soon you shall be healed and stay that way.
However i don't think it will work very well.

11/22/2005 3:58 PM  
Blogger Haley Exclaims...

Well for my past flu demon (that I had like all last week) to get rid took a bit of bed rest, lots and lots of throat lozenges heaps of headache tablets and some cold and flu tablets lots of drugs is my advise, drugs are good

11/22/2005 5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous Exclaims...

guess you're over the flu thing now, but for next time get stuck into garlic (not too heated up as it kills the good dudes). bundy rum & cloves (cordial) could zonk out you & it! the wings/costume looked fab too. auntsoo

12/05/2005 10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous Exclaims...

hi bwayden its ur darling sister here. i dont think that you have a cold at the moment but i'll leave you with some very important advice concerning your health. wear sunscreen and a hat and a shirt to avoid skin cancer. also eat vegetables because they contain vitamins and minerals. i just love brocoli. you blog looks really swell at the moment. i haven't really done anything on mine yet, but you've inspired me! ok i have to go, because your sitting on the couch about 10m away and i'm scared your going to come over and look while i'm writing this msg. dang that was close! you just walked past! and again. ok i'm leaving. bye broz! luv from your sis arifairy xoxo

12/13/2005 1:55 PM  
Blogger ben Exclaims...

he he - go braden's sis! anyway mate, just wondering if you could email me your postal address to landau_ben@hotmail.com so i can send oyu a 21st invite - should be fun!

12/30/2005 10:46 AM  

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