Friday, September 02, 2005

Comic comp entries

Ok, this comps been running for a week now and so far i've only had 6 entries and only two of those were from ID students. Is it worth continuing? I'll leave it up for another week and if noone else enters I guess i'll just put it down as failure. Maybe ill try again when everyone is a little less busy...
Anyway, heres the entries so far...
Raph's Comic (1st year ID student)
Daimith's Comic (1st year ID student)
Benks Comic (Friend of mine)
Jona's Comic (Friend of mine)
Timmy's Comic (Friend of a friend)
Osmo R's Comic (Friend of a friend)

Ill add entries to this post as they come. If they come....

Haley's Comic (1st yeat ID student)

Jeremy's Comic
Test-Pilot's Comic

5 Biting Commentaries:

Blogger Haley Exclaims...

I have done it also but picture didn't want to load, I place it on my studio blog later

9/03/2005 1:32 AM  
Blogger Cernunnos Exclaims...

Mmmm, no second years yet, hey? I'll try and do one, but that Mr. Snuffles one would be hard to beat.

9/04/2005 12:56 AM  
Blogger endsig Exclaims...

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9/04/2005 6:49 PM  
Blogger endsig Exclaims...

when are you going to put up the images and video of the burning of your lantern ?

9/04/2005 6:51 PM  
Blogger ben Exclaims...

c'mon man - we need an update!!!

9/10/2005 8:25 PM  

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