Thursday, August 25, 2005

Mid-Semester Exibition

Hello again my old blog, its been a while.
This monday the Corporation Game and Bodylab came together for a bit of an exibition and to test drive our games.
It was great seeing all our work set up around the room as most of it people had done at home so noone else had really had a chance to see it. Some of the lamps were fantastic.

This Lamp of Haleys reminds me of the flower pot from the old kid's show "Lift Off"

Sorry i can't get seem to rotate this photo. Its quite amazing how something so simple as some crumpled paper on a rectangular frame could look so good.

Here are some photos of the games and some of the design that came out of them.

It was interesting seeing the 2 different takes on the Wok idea. Julian and i think Andrew (im sorry if ive got this wrong) both made a poster for the wok and both there final designs turned out very differently. I also got to see Haleys take on it in drawing class because she's using the design for her rendering project.

I can't wait till Raph makes the resin dices. They should look great. I didnt get to find out what that Paap's game was... Anyone got any clue?

After lunch we all had to play our games with the folks from Scott's studio. This happened with limited success. Haley, Kelly, Anara and I played the game with the badges ( i think Soumitri named it Mushroom). The game wasnt played terrible enthusiastically by our guest players, but this really didnt surprise me. When we first came into Soumitri's studio, we were all a bit reluctant to step out side our comfort zones too. Also, it was the end of the day and i think most people just wanted to go home. Lots of people have been suggesting that we have all learned a new and better way of thinking that the others couldnt appreiciate our games because they are still suck thinking in 'redesign' mode. While i think we have learned a lot from Soumitri about about aproaching design, I dont think we suddenly learned the secret to being great designers or anything. We've only just started to change our way of thinking. We have had 6 weeks to get used to The Corporate Game, so playing these games is now inside our comfort zones. I think this was the main difference between the 2 groups on monday. The BodyLab folks werent comfortable with the games so they were less willing to take risks. And so the Games were a useless exercise. Weren't they? The failure of these games has given us a great opportunaty to reflect on how we have grown and how much further we have to go. I agree with Raph in that the fact we werent able to teach what we've learn to the other shows that we still have much to learn. Oh well, at least we seem to be on the right track. Kelly did do a great job of running the game however. She was able to hold in all together and improvise the rules when circumstances didnt allow the game to run properly. Kudos to you Kelly. While the games were played some what half-heartedly, so good stuff did come out of them. Steve and Austin's Crack pack was great idea. Our game produced a tangle of wire and mesh for the SeaArt competition, but I think with a lot of refinement it may have potential. I'll have a bit of a play with it this weekend.

Sorry about the photo Haley ;)

6 Biting Commentaries:

Blogger ben Exclaims...

good onya braden! get back inot that blogging!!! and nice post - you might want to check out my blog on piercing mipples at home. no just joking. why do those people put those stupid advertising posts on your blog - fucking annoys me. anyway.
i was wondering how your game went because your outcome was better than ours.
i think its important for us to remember that we were redesigners before, and now we are halfway to becoming(soumitri's brand) of thinkers. but there are so many other degrees of thinking that we need to appreciate. and we each need to find our own medium
hows the shirt going?

8/25/2005 11:38 PM  
Blogger endsig Exclaims...

I think that the meduim will end up being a combination of the old "redesign" and the thinking we have gotten from Soumitri, I think that we are reaching the point where the two are converging and we are starting to mould our own, as you termed it ben, medium.

8/26/2005 8:41 PM  
Blogger Braden Exclaims...

Whatta ya know, that pic did rotate...

8/28/2005 11:42 PM  
Blogger Soumitri Varadarajan Exclaims...

have just read it. So didn't realsie that all of you had reached similar conclusions about your growth.

Good on you B.

What will you be wearing next week?

8/30/2005 1:56 PM  
Blogger Braden Exclaims...

Is that a challenge to take the suit to the next level? ill see what i can do...

8/30/2005 2:05 PM  
Blogger Braden Exclaims...

Ok, i just read the comment on Raph's blog. So we're taking the clothes in the other direction? Maybe ill have to hunt down a kaftan...

8/30/2005 2:35 PM  

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