Sunday, July 31, 2005


Ive just been having a little bit of a play that glorious substance we have come to know as paper.

Here are some photos of my adventures...
By scoring paper while it was wet, i was able to make it form a ribbed texture as it dryed. Also, check out the surface of the paper. When you wet it and dry it again, it gets a nice linty texture.

I tryed getting paper to set in a 3-d form be wetting it then squashing it over this bbq tong thingy. not terribly successful, but still interesting.

This is leave glued between to sheets of paper. I dont really notice it.....

...untill you put a light behind it.

This is my first atempt at making paper.

This is a photo of it lit front behind, with the camera flash on.

But check out what it looks like without the flash!

1 Biting Commentaries:

Blogger endsig Exclaims...

That paper you made is looking pretty awesome, maybe try making some with something in it, like ummm....bits of platic if possible and see what it does to the light then

7/31/2005 4:17 PM  

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